Transpersonal Rebirthing
Transpersonal Rebirthing is a breathing technique that takes its origins from Kundalini Yoga. It is very effective in dissolving trauma and blockages both physically and energetically and helps in fighting anxiety and panic attacks. Breathing brings us into the present moment and can open the doors to non-ordinary states of consciousness.
Only face-to-face sessions in Udine.
Respiro e Tamburo Sciamanico
Entra in connessione con la tua anima grazie al respiro e al tamburo sciamanico.
Lasciati guidare dalle vibrazioni e dal respiro in un viaggio magico condotto da me e Serena Moras.
“Ci sia concesso
di guardare al mondo non con i nostri due occhi,
ma con l’unico occhio del cuore“
Meditate to become who you are.
The benefits of meditation on the physical level are innumerable and range from experiencing a feeling of calm and relaxation, to the release of chronic tension, better memory and creativity, more synergy between the right and left hemisphere of the brain. On a spiritual level, meditative states help us fulfill our destiny and access transpersonal dimensions.
Pranayama can be defined as the control and direction (ayama) of the Prana, or life energy, in the body through the breath.
Through breath control we can improve attention and concentration and achieve a better psychophysical balance.
"When the breath comes and goes, the mind is restless, but when the breath is calmed, the mind is calmed"
Yoga is a journey back to the Self through the Self.
It is a union between body, breath and mind, between us and God
Yoga is awareness of the present moment.
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra comes from the Tantric tradition and is a technique used to relax consciously. It is an intermediate stage between sleep and wakefulness where consciousness functions at a deeper level of awareness.
It is used to develop memory, increase knowledge and creativity and transform one's nature.